Common Generation Parameters
Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired
MainModelModelMain model for generating images
SubModelList[]ModelThe submodel list for generating images includes LoRA, Embedding, and HyperNetwork.
PositivePrompts[]StringContent description of what you want to appear in the image.
NegativePrompts[]StringContent description of what you do not want to appear in the image.
TranslatePromptsBoolTranslate other languages to English, see support language list here. Default value: true
SeedIntThe number of a seed (-1~2147483647), -1 represents a ramdom seed. Default value: -1
WidthIntImage width (64~2560). Default value: 1024
HeightIntImage height (64~2560). Default value: 1024
BatchSizeIntBatch size for generating images (1~16). Default value: 1
UseMainModelVAEBoolWhether to use the codec that comes with the main model. Default value: false